Publicaciones / Eliztarrak - Mundutarrak. Erremelluriko sainduak, paradisua eta beste lan batzuk. Vicente Ameztoy

Eliztarrak - Mundutarrak. Erremelluriko sainduak, paradisua eta beste lan batzuk. Vicente Ameztoy

Vicente Ameztoy has painted a group of saints and a representation of the Garden of Eden in and for the chapel of Nuestra Sehora de Remelluri. Between 1993 and 2000 - during extended visits to the site, which contains cultural remains of Christian, Jewish and Mozarabic presences - he has painted images of St. Genesius, St. Christopher, St. Sabina, St. Stephen, St. Eulalia and St. Vincent, and an apocryphal view of the Garden of Eden. We gathered there around this singular experience by the artist – who has carried out this project of religious art in dialogue with his own atheism and with the fascination he feels for the area around Remelluri – to discuss this experience and also to celebrate and share other complementary pleasures. These included the memorable wine made in Remelluri, the local food and the remarkably pleasant landscape. There follow some fragments of the conversation, which strayed through a number of topics: a historical and ethnographic overview of the site, living and pictorial landscapes, the sacred and the profane, political and cultural commitment, painting, narration and slowness, paradise and other enigmas.