

Argiaren espazioa. Javier Vallhonrat - Argazki tailerra

Arteleku - Arteleku - 1990 - 1990-10-19,1990-10-15

Arquitecturas colectivas - Topaketa

Arteleku San Sebastián/Donostia 2016 Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa-ko Foru Aldundia Eusko Jaurlaritza/Gobierno Vasco Kutxa social Jaizkibia COAVN Gipuzkoa Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea/Universidad del País Vasco - Pasaia, Casa Ziriza - 2010-07-25,2010-07-19 - 2010

Arquitecturas de la mirada. Del mausoleo del sentido al recorrido de la sensibilidad - Arte Garaikideko Museo eta Zentruei buruzko mintegia

Arteleku - Arteleku - 1991 - 1991-07-24,1991-07-22

Arratsalde bat Alan Courtisekin

Arteleku - Arteleku - 2006 - 2006-07-24,2006-07-24

Arsuaga, Azpeitia, Barea, Del Pozo, Olaetxea - Exposición

Arteleku - Arteleku - 1991 - 1991-09-20,1991-08-23


This workshop explores photographic practices in which artistic expression and fashion advertising interact. Photography and fashion, two of the...Arteleku - Arteleku - 2010 - 2010-06-18,2010-06-15

Arte bisualen irakaskuntzan buruzko gogoetak. Miren Eraso

Arteleku - Arteleku - 1993 - 1993-07-09,1993-07-05

Arte bisualen irakaskuntzari buruzko gogoetak II - Heziketa artistikoa disziplina gisa: arte irakaskuntzaren antolaketaren lagungarri diren teknika etnografikoak

Arteleku - Arteleku - 1994 - 1994-07-08,1994-07-04

Feminist art productions: Knowledge processes and relations between generations - Short Course

We are interested in feminist art productions as a knowledge process. We will look at knowledge processes by analysing the works of various artists...Arteleku - Arteleku - 2013 - 2013-07-24,2013-07-22

Art and Document - Seminar

One of the parameters of photography is it documentalism. Any photographic image is naturally understood to have an inevitable documentary basis. The...Arteleku Tabakalera - Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea - 2011 - 2011-05-11,2011-05-09
