Based on the material inherited from the former Senza Fine/1laboratory and based on the concepts and poetry of Deleuze/Guattari/Artaud, we will dedicate our time to designing and building different kinds of installation prototypes: sound, visual, light, textual, electrical and interconnecting them on a meta-machine. Some of the vectors that will cross the laboratory will be concepts such as the transcoding of data and formats, intermediate, transposition, juxtaposition, grafts, emerging and chaotic systems, stochastic and generic machines.
One of the tools we will use at the workshop will be Pure Data: a paradigm of heavily rizomatic graphic programming which not only generates and processes data flows (sound, visual, etc.), but also allows us to relate to them and act as agents of the physical world through different types of devices and sensors. We will also be able to include the knowledge and skills of the participants at the laboratory in a context where knowledge and specialities cross over and collide, encouraging short-circuits and methodological experimentation focused on collective, distributed creation.
Recursiveness, feedback, noise, science of chaos, autopoiesis, interconnectivity, flow, diy, diwo, algorithm, mereology, glitch, drift, machines, dada, minerals, data, arduino, automaton, biofeedback, electromagnetism, osc, networks, geraniums, open code, deviation, ourobous.
It shows a selection of images in low quality. If you want them high or the entire collection , please contact us. ///
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