This is the fourth laboratory of the cycle Body without Organs. This time we will talk, we will play and we will remove whatever organs that make up the idea of the body from the theory accompanied by Juan Llano Borbolla.
25 September, Wednesday: 19:30
26 and 27 September, Thursday and Friday: 11:00 to 19:30
Dissertations, amputations, reviews, games and mutations
We obviously offer the world features passed on down to us by our parents, the eyes of one, the temperament of the other and so on. Features that in turn had already handed down from previous generations, the hooked nose of your grandmother or that stubborn pride from who knows which distant ancestor. Apart from the family physiques and characters, the legacy to be shared out obviously includes the contingencies of a specific time and place that manage, educate, administer and subject us to their laws, in other words, that "organise" and serve to complement a body that was up until then only full of genetic information that was always apparent, visible and sensitive. Circumstances that, in the same way as shadows, beg us to imbue them so that they can be seen in a spiral by our usual ailments, even in the simplest gestures. This basically summarises the idea of the body/organ that according to the above may mean a constructed, structured and gestated body according to special traits that are not only genetic, but also historical, social and educational that have been added to our lives from the very start of existence. And that is precisely why, as the body (with organs) is a historical construct, it is susceptible to any type of review that helps us to rethink its genesis, its line of development and from there to determine, if it were at all possible, to what and towards where it is pointing.
Highlighting the possibility of doing away with "the constructed" by abandoning to complete ruin the structure – both social and material – which has acted as a shield and mask over a truly long generational fate, would mean the recovery of the Naturing, in other words, of the genetic, creative, of the poetic from the germinal on the Natured, which becomes the already intervened, the perverted nature, the overly humane human. Yet, as in any case report, we should question over and over again – even after analysing in detail each symptom and before reaching a final diagnosis – how to make a body without organs and then immediately analyse in detail the possible responses that emerge in the probing process in order to improve any approach to something close to a conclusion that for now may be, at least for the sceptics, impossible. Nonetheless, - leaving scepticism to one side – (in the event of it being possible) the fact of conquering the corporal disorganisation and making a clean slate of any past experience would be the liberation then embodied in a body without organs located in any wild region where everyone is born. The problem emerges if rather than opening up a line of freedom what we are doing is generating a new construction of the corporal from a project-less feasibility that surrounds it, which in the best of cases can be translated as a flow without reasoning or, to be slightly more optimistic, as the availability for a beyond of that body and that corporeality that own and other ghosts have built on us.
Meanwhile, we have to continue along the path of experimentation and infinite conversations as the best way to review our original statements... until we dislocate our jaws from laughing too much.
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